Innovative E-Mental Health Solution to Empower Patients with Schizophrenia

The Project

The goal of the e-MOTIPH project was to provide a smart and innovative mental health solution for the care and support of patients with schizophrenia. The aim was to achieve better engagement and more active participation in the therapeutic processes of their illness, together with their carers. The solution, which consists of a wearable device, a mobile app, and a web app, enables patient assessment, risk detection, psychological training and social interaction and training, all through an intelligent system.

The main results of the activities carried out by Nurogames were a mobile application for schizophrenia patients and a chatbot with which app users can access information about schizophrenia. The implemented app is integrated into the overall e-MOTIPH system and contains a virtual avatar as a vital component that adapts to the emotional states of the patients recognised by the server. Another core element is training units that patients can use to practise their social and cognitive skills. In coordination with the clinical partners, Nurogames has combined fixed exercise sections (e.g. “Recognising emotions”, “Meditating”) with free exercise sections consisting of writing exercises. A fitness wristband can also be linked to the app so that data on sleep patterns and physical activity can be analysed and displayed. Nurogames developed the app for both Google Android and Apple iOS.

Project website