Extended Reality For Disaster Management And Media Planning

The Project

XR4DRAMA is an H2020 innovation action (IA) dedicated to improving situation awareness via extended reality (XR) and a number of other technologies. The proof of concept will focus on disaster management and media planning before extending use cases to other domains.
Summarized in just a couple of bullet points, XR4DRAMA is about
  • facilitating the sourcing of all relevant (digital) information needed to deal with a specific, potentially dangerous or challenging scenario faced by disaster managers and media crews
  • creating an „as if on site“ experience of an environment via XR technology to anticipate the event or incident as accurate as possible
  • creating a joint understanding of an environment and providing the possibility to update representations of locations while events are evolving in order to understand and re-assess consequences of specific actions/decisionsgement and media planning before extending use cases to other domains.

In the project, Nurogames was responsible for:

  • 3D modeling and simulation (Digital Twin)
  • Multimodal collaboration (desktop, mobile, VR)
  • Coordination and communication
  • Gamification & application development
  • Digital transformation for media production planning and disaster management